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Seminars and Webinars

Interested in learning more about slag cement? The Slag Cement Association can provide experts and industry leaders to speak about slag cement to your company or organization. Please complete the form below to schedule a slag cement seminar with SCA.

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Upcoming Webinars 

Information on upcoming webinars will be available soon.

Past Webinars 

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An Introduction to the SCA Lifecycle Assessment Calculator

Presenter(s): Shawn Kalyn, St Marys Cement

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Evaluation of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Mix Designs for Use in Bridge Connections and Repair

Presenter(s): Trevor Looney, University of Oklahoma

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Improving Concrete by using Slag Cement

Presenter(s): Jay Whitt, Heidelberg Materials

Mitigating Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete with Slag Cement

Presenter(s): Keith Maddrey and Clayton McCabe, Argos USA

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Slag Cement in High-Performance Concrete

Presenter(s): Nick Beristain, Prairie Material

The Role of Slag Cement in Creating Sulfate Resistant Concrete

Presenter(s): Keith Maddrey, Argos USA

Avoiding Scaling in Concrete with Slag Cement

Presenter(s): Henry Prenger, Holcim

Geotechnical Applications with Slag Cement

Presenter(s): Gordon McLellan, Lehigh Hanson

Insight into Chloride-Induced Corrosion in Cement Pastes Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

Presenter(s): Mohammad Teymouri, 2022 SCA Research Winner

Performance of Slag Cement with Portland Limestone Cement in Concrete

Presenter(s): Professor Doug Hooton, University of Toronto; Professor Jason Weiss, Oregon State University

Slag Cement’s Role in Sustainable Low-Carbon Concrete

Presenter(s): Shawn Kalyn, B.Eng LEED AP BD+C, St Marys Cement

Utilization of Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Cementing Enhanced Geothermal Wells

Presenter(s): Lyn Zemberekci, 2023 SCA Research Winner

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Demonstrating Resilient Results with Slag Cement

Presenter(s): Shawn Kalyn, St. Marys Cement

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Improving Concrete Performance with Slag Cement

Presenter(s): Professor Doug Hooton, University of Toronto

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Low-Calcium Slag Cement: A Potential Solution to Promote Circular Economy in the Management of Copper Mine Tailings

Presenter(s): Arash Nikvar-Hassani, PhD, 2022 SCA Research Winner

Slag Cement and its Benefits to Reduce Embodied Carbon in Concrete

Presenters(s): Ryan Cialdella, Ozinga

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Sustainability of Concrete in the Pacific Northwest

Presenter(s): Hilary Chaimov, Oregon State University

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