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Info Sheets

The Slag Cement Association has published 30 information sheets in the Slag Cement in Concrete series. These are listed below in numeric order. Click on any of the sheets for a free download.

Info Sheet #1

What is Slag Cement?

Slag cement, or ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), has been used in concrete projects in the United States for over a century.

Info Sheet #4

What are Saw Cuts?

Saw cuts are a means of cutting joints in concrete.

Info Sheet #7

Mitigating Sulfate Attack

Sulfate attack is a common form of concrete deterioration.

Info Sheet #10


Hardened concrete containing slag cement may show mottled green or blue green areas on the surface in the first few days after placement. This temporary condition is commonly called “greening.”

Info Sheet #13

for Slag Cement
in Concrete

Guidance for specifiers in the absence of slag cement specifications, or for the addition of slag cement to an existing specification.

Info Sheet #16

Producing Precast and Prestressed Concrete with Slag Cement

Precast concrete is a concrete product manufactured and cured in a casting facility.

Info Sheet #19

Slag Cement
in Residential

Slag cement is used in major projects to achieve improved concrete performance, which is important to builders and owners of residential homes.

Info Sheet #22

Slag Cement's Role in Sustainable Construction

Concrete is an inherently green material that is highly durable.

Info Sheet #25

Use of Slag Cement in Soil Cement

Local soils are not adequate to meet support requirements for a construction project so slag cement is used to make soil cement.

Info Sheet #28

Slag Cement and LEED

LEED is a national standard developed by the U.S. to certify high performance, sustainable buildings.

Info Sheet #2

Concrete Proportioning

Concrete proportioning is the selection of proportions of ingredients to make the most economical use of available materials to produce concrete of the required properties.

Info Sheet #5

Producing and Placing Slag Cement Concrete

Slag cement must be stored in bins or silos to protect from contamination.

Info Sheet #8

Mitigating the Risk of Alkali Silica Reaction

Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) is a chemical reaction between the alkalies in Portland cement and materials present in aggregates.

Info Sheet #11

Slag Cement and Fly Ash

Slag cement and fly ash are the two most common SCMs used in concrete.

Info Sheet #14

Compressive and Flexural Strength

Concrete made with slag cement provides higher compressive and flexural strengths.

Info Sheet #17

Producing Concrete Pipe with Slag Cement

There are several methods of producing concrete pipe, but producing it with slag cement provides many benefits.

Info Sheet #20

Ternary Concrete
Mixtures with
Slag Cement

Ternary concrete mixtures include three different cementitious materials.

Info Sheet #23

Slag Cement and Life Cycle Prediction Models

Life cycle prediction models are engineering tools developed from an understanding of concrete performance.

Info Sheet #26

Waste Solidification/ Stabilization Using Slag Cement

Based on research, slag cement has been specified and used on several waste stabilization projects.

Info Sheet #29

Reduce Scaling with Slag Cement and Good Concreting Practices

Scaling is a surface defect that results from exposure to freezing and thawing conditions.

Info Sheet #3

Concrete Time of Set

Time of set is defined as the point in time at which penetration resistance reaches specified values.

Info Sheet #6

Reducing Permeability

Permeability is a measure of how easily water, air or other substances such as chloride ions enter concrete.

Info Sheet #9

Reducing Thermal Stress in Mass Concrete

According to ACI 2071, “mass concrete is any large volume of concrete [that] require that measures be taken to cope with the generation of heat and attendant volume change to minimize cracking.”

Info Sheet #12

Terminology and Specifications

Slag Cement Terminology and Specifications

Info Sheet #15

Slag Cement in High Performance Concrete

Concrete with advanced properties not found in conventional concrete.

Info Sheet #18

Producing Concrete Block with Slag Cement

There are several methods of producing concrete block, but producing it with slag cement provides many benefits.

Info Sheet #21

Blended Cements

ASTM C595 requires that blended cements consist of an intimate and uniform blend of specified constituent materials

Info Sheet #24

Slag Cement and Controlled Low-Strength Material

Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) is a self compacting material consisting of cementitious materials and aggregates.

Info Sheet #27

Effect of Slag Cement on Shrinkage in Concrete

Shrinkage is the time dependent decrease in concrete volume compared with the original placement of concrete.

Info Sheet #30

Slag Cement and Portland Limestone Cement in Concrete

In Portland Cement Concrete (PCC), about 96% of the CO2 emissions, and roughly 85% of the embodied energy come from cement alone.

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