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Slag Cement Presentations for Industry Groups

The SCA often gives presentations on various topics pertaining to slag cement use and is now offering these presentations to concrete industry groups in the U.S. The list below identifies our most popular presentation requests, but our members can also present on specific topics that may be of interest to your audience.

  • Slag Cement Use in Concrete Mix Design: This presentation will cover the uses, applications, and benefits of slag cement in concrete mix design. The presentation will also highlight association resources and award winning case studies of slag cement use in buildings, highways, airports, hospitals, and more.

  • Slag Cement and Sustainability: This presentation will highlight slag cements sustainable attributes and how it contributes to the durability and longevity of a structure. The presentation will also include a walk-through of the Slag Cement Life Cycle Assessment Calculator and Environmental Product Declaration for slag cement and how to download both. The presentation will end with slides on award winning case studies using slag cement in the categories of green design and sustainability.

  • Slag Cement in Soil Stabilization: The presentation will provide information on how slag cement can be used in soil stabilization projects. The design process, standard design criteria, laboratory testing examples, and field test case studies will all be covered in this presentation.

  • Award Winning Slag Cement Case Studies: This session gives an overview of 2016 and 2017 Slag Cement Project of the Year Award winners as case studies of outstanding slag cement use in concrete

Presentations are free of charge to industry professional groups, based on speaker availability.


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